
Dance like no one is watching, Blog like no one is reading

We need your prayers… alot of prayers

I wanted to post this for a while but I hesitated since my mom will read this and I didn’t want her to know this way. But now she knows.

My grandmother has cancer… bone cancer, so far its spread in her right shoulder, pelvic (hip), rips, back, and skull, these parts are broken, it’s advanced already.


Currently she is under a lot of pain killers, because bone cancer is the most painful cancer among all cancers, the bones starts to break one by one in tiny  small pieces, which is extremely painful, my grandfather (who happened to be her husband) died from it.

I feel so sad, nonstop crying since yesterday, I know I should be stronger than this, its god’s well, and I understand that (La Elaha Ella Allah Wa La 7awla Wala Qowata Ella Bellah), but I still feel very bad, being away from all the people you love in such a situation is extremely hard, I feel that I’m totally alone, I want to hold someone and cry, jus cry, maybe the pain inside me will go away, I wish I can see her, but instead I canceled my trip to Jordan, because thigs got so complicated.


All I need is your prayers for her, a lot of prayers, so she can take the pain, that’s all what we can do at this point, she really needs that, prayers.


 Thank you Qwaider…

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

المعز الكريم..الشافى العافى المعين..
اللهم إنا نسألك بعزك الذى لا يرام و نور وجهك الذى لا يضام..
اللهم انا نعلم انه لا شافى الا انت و لا نافع بحق الا انت و لا مدبر لشىء فى هذا الكون الا انت..
اللهم انا نسألك باسمك الطيب ..يا ودود..يا ودود ..يا ذا العرش المجيد ..يا فعال لما تريد..
ان تشفها شفاء لا يغادر سقما وان ترحمها و تهون عليها و تعينها و تعين اهلها و كل احبائها..
اللهم انها امتك ،بنت عبدك، بنت امتك..ناصيتها بيدك راضية بقضائك..ماض فيها حكمك.. فلا رحيم الا انت و لا مغيث الا انت..

يا مغيث اغثها..يا مغيث اغثها ..يا مغيث اغثها..
و الحمد لله على كل حال و الصلاة على نبيك المصطفى و السلام..

قولوا آآمين

Filed under: Personal

23 Responses

  1. yaser says:

    allah yehawen 3aleeha w yekhafef waja3ha inshalah ,,zay ma heye setek bardo heye setna ,,so dont feel alone ,,

  2. nido says:

    We are all praying for her! Allah yiltof fiha…Its so hard mai I know! Be strong, at least for your mom!! and always say “Qaddara Allahu ma sha2 fa3al”.

  3. hamede says:

    Alah yakoon ma3aha.

  4. summer says:

    May God ease her pain and have his mercy on her in this difficult time.
    May God help you and all her family to endure this hard time in your life.
    May God choose the best for her and you all
    Please keep us updated and i will keep her in mind and in my prayers always.

  5. Qabbani says:

    ِالله يصبرها و يعينها …

  6. ما هو الا ابتلاء و اختبار من العلي القدير
    والله يخفف عنها و يشفيها بقدرته
    و يثبتكم و يلهمكم الصبر على المصاب

    بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم..المعز الكريم..الشافى العافى المعين..
    اللهم إنا نسألك بعزك الذى لا يرام و نور وجهك الذى لا يضام..
    اللهم انا نعلم انه لا شافى الا انت و لا نافع بحق الا انت و لا مدبر لشىء فى هذا الكون الا انت..
    اللهم انا نسألك باسمك الطيب ..يا ودود..يا ودود ..يا ذا العرش المجيد ..يا فعال لما تريد..
    ان تشفها شفاء لا يغادر سقما وان ترحمها و تهون عليها و تعينها و تعين اهلها و كل احبائها..
    اللهم انها امتك ،بنت عبدك، بنت امتك..ناصيتها بيدك راضية بقضائك..ماض فيها حكمك.. فلا رحيم الا انت و لا مغيث الا انت..

    يا مغيث اغثها..يا مغيث اغثها ..يا مغيث اغثها..
    و الحمد لله على كل حال و الصلاة على نبيك المصطفى و السلام..

    قولوا آآمين

  7. Maioush says:

    Teslam ya rab o Allah ma ye7remni mn wa2fetak jambi, ed3eelha ya yaser.

    Thank you for your prayers, please keep praying for her, walahi I’m trying to be strong bs ‘3asben 3anni, el bo3d sa3b kteer. (qadar allahu ma sha2 fa3al).

    ameen ya rab el 3alameen

    ameen to all your prayers, thank you very much, please keep praying foe her, i don’t know what else to do but that. Thank you kteer summer.

    ameen, thank you very much, you are a good friend.

    Thank you very much my dear, I added your prayer all of us can read it, jad yeslamo kteer, I didn’t know what to pray, ameen ya rab el 3alameen on every word you wrote, thank you very much for everything.

  8. Damdoom says:

    allah ekon be 3onha w eshfeha
    w la rad le 2ada2 allah ya mai
    inshalah allah ehawenha 3leha
    Love You

  9. kinziblogs says: far from suffering is like sickness itself! My own mom died of cancer, a different kind but it metasticized in her bones and was SO painful. She was in California, I was in Amman, and she went so quickly I couldn’t even see her before she died (it was August, flights booked), I missed her by 24 hours. But while I, and my church, were praying for her (anjad, I was awake for 4 nights in a row, just crying and praying all night), three days before she died she experienced no pain at all! She said her pain was taken by people praying for her all over the world, and her nurse said she talked about being half in heaven, half out. Two of the names of Jesus Christ are the Great Physician and Prince of Peace, and I will be praying for his touch and peace to comfort you both through this time of agony…prayers are spanning the globe for your grandma, too. I wish I could give you a hug!

  10. Red Rose says:

    I read the du3a2 for her asking gd to be with her..ameen

  11. Abed Hamdan says:

    la 7awla wala qowwatta ella bellah

    sho bedna ne3mal , mafi b 2eedna eshi, allah eyshafeeha weyshafi mardana ya rab

    ma tez3ali, marrat el ensaas lazem yet3ab shway fl denya…bedal balaa el denya ahwan mn bala el a5ra…allah yeb3ed 3anna w 3ankom bala el denya wl a5re ya rab

  12. im fadaouz says:

    you know i’m always here for you. you and your family are in my thoughts.

  13. afaf says:

    may allah be with her and all of her family, inshalla.
    be strong and help ur mom to be strong at this time, mai. she needs u now more than ever.
    may allah help u and take u through this, inshalla.

  14. Jano says:

    7abeebte :* inshallah allah ykhaleeha terta7 o ykhaffef 3anha.. o allah ykoon ma3kom :*

  15. Maioush says:

    Yeslamo kteer ya 3omri, allah yesma3 menek, love you too.

    God bless your mom’s soul, and god bless you for the prayers that you prayed for her, I’m praying for her since the second I knew about it, I know exactly how feel being away from your mom while she is sick, oh my god it breaks my heart, I’m burning inside, I’ll trade my life to see my grandmother for a minute, may god help me go through this, thank you so much for your prayers, you are a wonderful person, god bless you and you loved ones always, I wish I can hug you too at this moment :*

    Red Rose:
    Amen ya rab el 3alameen, allah yestajeeb la do3a2ek ya Manal, you a great person, thank you dear.

    Abed Hamdan:
    Thank you so much for the sweet words, o allah yesma3 menak o yer7amna jamee3, allah yeb3ed 3anak o 3annak bala2 edenya wel a5ra.

    im fadaouz:
    if I’m grateful for something about my life in the states, it would be the fact that I got to know and be close to you, your more than a sister to me, and I truly love from all my heart, you’re a great person, and I’m so lucky to have you around, god bless you and you loved ones, and most of all, my coming soon cousins, thank you so much for everything you’ve done to me, I really love you.

    Thank you very much for your prayers dear, your such a sweet heart, and 7ader, I’ll try to be strong, I am trying to be strong for my mom walahi, thank you for your support, I couldn’t do it with out all of you.

    Thank you very much dear, I’m so sorry for your loss, my god bless your aunt’s soul, I’m sorry I wasn’t there for you, and I’m sorry that I’m will not see you as soon as I thought I would. Love you, and miss you.

  16. Manal says:

    that breaks my heart..hearing this is painful..i will pray for her from the depth of my heart..i will pray for you too..hope you will keep strong and pass from this..

  17. aya says:

    alla ysaberkom o y3eeenkom o alla yshfeeha ya rb 😦

  18. 7ala says:

    Allah ykhaffef 3anha w yeshfiha … I go sometimes to the cancer center to play with the kids and I see how hard it is for the people there.

    God be with her and with you.

  19. Maioush says:

    Thank you very much for the sweet words, I appreciate your prayers, we really need it.

    Ameen ya Aya Ameen

    Abu Shakuush:
    Thank you very much.

    Thank you very much, nice of you to stop by again.

  20. […] 27, 2007 Posted by Maioush in Personal. trackback I was suppose to keep you guys updated about my grandmothers condition, but unfortunately I  didn’t get the chance to do […]

  21. abdellatif m.annaser says:

    assalam alaikum: my dear !
    you know how much i was suprised . i wrote astatement on the google in arabic (اللهم لا مغيث الا انت) and pressed search to find my sister photo in front of me on the screen.My dear dont worry for a muslim it is a gift from Allah.That will bring her position high in heaven -ALLAH kareem The beloved,The One – at last we are all passing and hitting on to reach our destiny.
    you dont know me ,i am your grandmother brother—My name is abdellatif-. I love you all(abdullah,nabil,sameer,marwan,sameera,sofyan-and you all اللهم ارحمنا

  22. alaa says:


    الله يرحمك يا عمتي

    هاي اللي بالصورة بتكون عمتي

    الله ابتلاها بهالمرض ليشوف كم صبرها…وعمري ما شفت اكتر من هيك انسانة صبرت واتحملت
    الله يجعل مثواها الجنة
    قولو امييييييين

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